Just a few highlights of whats been going on and a few thoughts.
We got a tortoise! :) I think his name is Congo but I could be wrong. I've been on the lookout for churches to go to and visited one last week, not sure if I'll go there but it was a good service. I'm on the hunt for a car and a mattress. Right now I'm sleeping on an airbed. Once I have a car and a job there is no harm in taking myself out right? After all Tuesdays are dollar night at the theater...and honestly there is no better way to meet a guy then when you are out and about on your own :) I'm so excited that Sharpie has finally made fabric markers! It's always been a dream of mine to make custom shirts, bags, hats, and whatnot, I'll admit I've even thought of maybe selling custom things like that on Etsy. I hope they will end up making more colors too! It's so fun when you go out and someone asks you where you got something and you can say "oh I made it" :) Just got Netflix and I must say I love it!! The fact that I can now watch Mad Men just makes me so happy. One more random thoughts;Happiness is found in giving and doing things for others not in receiving and getting things. So therefore you can't make yourself happy until you make someone else happy.